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Crashed PC

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carlton23 | 23:15 Tue 20th Apr 2010 | Technology
7 Answers
My son`s PC has `done a naughty` and crashed and has phoned me to ask what he can do. How the heck he expected me to know I can`t imagine, so I`m passing it on to you guy`s and gals. Can you help me to help him and let him think I`m cleverer?.......pleeeeeese!!!


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does he get anything at all ?
Power off then try starting up pc again. Failing that, start in safe mode and schedule a chkdsk /r Sorry, search on the net how to do this as I am off to bed!
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TTG.... thanks.
Really can't even begin to answer this without much more detail about how it's crashed and exactly what it is doing.
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Good morning Chuck, I`ll have to wait until he rings me again to ask. As far as I can tell he just got a blank screen when he switched on.
Does it get the normal lights on the front? are there any beeps at all? (I assume they would have checked the obvious, like monitor plugged in and power to it)

if it's a LCD flat screen if they shine a torch at the screen can they see a picture?
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Like I`ve said ol bud, I`ll contact you soon as I can by posting FAO Chuckfickens

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Crashed PC

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