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Where does who stand?

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BBBE99 | 19:59 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
93 Answers
Who is considered what on AB?

Mr. Veritas--Gentleman
Chuck Fickens--Techno smart guy
Docspock--Wise man

BBBE99--[Any ideas?]

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Why's Mr V considered a gentleman? Nothing against the man, but because he's quite elderly, does that automatically make him a gentleman?

Chuck= handsome nerd
Doc= likable nutter
you= suspect.

Me? Grumpy old cow :P
I mostly stand behind Boo. Safer that way.
You got in just before me BOO :-P
Question Author
Mr V acts like a nice gentleman.

I would like to be=Young-un
Ha har...
And after seeing Mr V's strop on here yesterday I'm even more reluctant to call him a gentleman.
Mr V - nice gent
Chuck - nice gent
Docspock - nice gent
Boo - nice lady
You - really thin hoodie
Can I have a position please.

A nifty left back 30 years ago, but not since my knees went.
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He's had a couple of surprising outbursts Boo which have amazed me, as they seem so out of character.
I'll go with suss for BBE99..............
Wot, is Mr V out of favour for the next election? surely not!
I'm the token oirish on here !
David Black. My mate went out with a bloke in 1967 called Dave Black - he was well fit. Probably wasn't you though...
I'll just stick at being the dirty-minded, foulmouthed, Yorkshire pensioner then.
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I vote Veritas
That's the first one I saw Craft, and in my eyes it certainly put paid to the genial, gentlemanly image that many folk seem to have of him.

But, like I said, ive nothing against him, indeed i dont mind him, I just wondered if everyone else presumed he was a gent just because he was elderly.
B00 - What on earth did Mr V get stroppy about ?
David Black - Why the Triangular Lodge (one of my favourite buildings) ?
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I was very surprised when I was told his age, he acted so young and nice
It must be dreadful to be so cynical boo - :-)
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BBBE99=Busy one
When I'm on.
Has anyone noticed how often my name appears in LATEST POSTS?
I've been busy...
He made a post getting arsey because he couldn't make an avatar, and then he got even more annoyed when told that he'd have to register on that Gravatar site in order to do it.
Last I saw of him, he threw his toys out of the pram about it and hasn't been since.

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Where does who stand?

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