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Do you switch off your mobile phone overnight?

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mrs.chappie | 23:05 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
I'm thinking about making the battery last longer. Anyone know if the phone uses much power when it is not actually making/receiving any calls?

Thanks. xxx


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No because someone may need me in an emergency
I keep mine on in case of emergencies etc....i'm presuming it uses very little power when its switched off....
It doesn;y use much power when it's doing nothing except sitting there waiting . Turn off any backlight or screensaver that saves battery. but it should only take a short time to charge the battery anyway.
I never turn mine off, I put it on charge over night but never turn it off.
I turn mine off, in case some idiot accidentally presses redial.
Modern mobile charge in about 1.5 hours apparently.
I used to take my phone into work and charge it there through the day
I leave mine on! just in case of an emergency! don't know why! When I sleep, I sleep like the dead!
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Thanks all. I'm always at home overnight so if I am needed in an emergency I'm available on the land line. If it doesn't use much power I'll leave it switched on though.
ive usually got both a work and personal mobile on overnight as i can be on-call, dammit, and both will usually last 2 or 3 days, maybe 4, without needing to be charged
No, mine is switched off at night (and sometimes during the day as well), but I suppose I should start leaving it on at night for emergencies
I keep mine switched on as I use the alarm facility. I keep my work one switched on when on holiday, and it will last a week without recharge when it isn't being used. I know that as I leave the charger in work and it will be fine when I get back to work if it is a week, If I am off a fortnight I need to take the charger home so that i can charge it up before I go back.
The alarm works when it's turned off annie....

Mines always on....just hardly know where it is though.

Ratter....charged mine yesterday. Took 30 mins to fully charge. I remember the days when we had to charge them for 8 hours before using
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Mine is off most of the time, and to be honest, I never know where it is. I found a message on it yesterday that came last week.
Oh i didn't know that Ummmm - anyhoo it's best kept switched on as I regularly have to phone it so I can follow the ring to find it!
Hi mrs c,

I have two mobiles, which i leave on 24 hours a day......never switch off, unless at the cinema, teaching classes at the brit school, hospital etc x
I can remember a time before mobiles...It was bliss.
I mostly keep mine off and very, very rarely have to recharge it. I'm glad i don't live the kind of permanently-on-the-edge life some posters here seem to, constantly in contact in case of an emergency.
So, no one has a land line?

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Do you switch off your mobile phone overnight?

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