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Canon MP210 ink absorber is almost full

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Tefler | 19:21 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | Computers
3 Answers
Is there any (relatively easy way) of solving the 'ink absorber is nearly full' problem with a Canon MP210? At present, the printer's still responding, but I assume that eventually it will stop. How do you replace the ink absorber - or where do you take it to have such a thing done to it? I remember with the old Epson we had, we were advised it would be just as cheap to ditch the printer and buy a new one - is the same true of the Canon?


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10 years ago I had a Canon 1000 printer which suffered the same problem.
The ink pad is a half inch thick pad of felt wadding (or something similar) which lies in the bottom of the printer and soaks up the ink which is used up when cleaning the print head, etc.
If you can get the printer case open (by finding all the hidden catches) the ink pad is washable and can be replaced when dry.
Unfortunately, when the pad is full, the printer knows this and stops working until the correct sequence of button are pressed which you may be able to obtain from some web site (such as "Fix your own Printer")
It can be expensive for Canon (or someone else) to do the job so another printer could be cheaper if you are not a DIY person.
I'd be inclined to try to find the code and then, if you have the code, try to open the printer.
Warning.!!! Don't stand the printer on it's side like I did as the ink is inclined to seep out all over the place.
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Thanks to both of you.

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Canon MP210 ink absorber is almost full

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