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New Sky+ box - landline needed?

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Maggoty | 11:33 Thu 22nd Jul 2010 | Technology
6 Answers
Hi folks

Following on from my previous post, my existing Sky+ box is knackered. I have contacted Sky and they are providing me with a new HD Sky+ box, with free installation. The engineer is coming over on monday.

My question is : do I need a landline for his to "activate" the box. I used to have a landline years ago but wasn't using it (maximu £3 in calls per qtr) so I had it disconnected.

As I have an existing system all set up - can they just install this box without the landline?





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The sky+ contract states you must keep it connected to a phone line for the duration of the contract.

In reality all but the interactive services and sky box office will work without it connected to the phone line.

So what this is going to come down to more than anything else is will the individual engineer "turn a blind eye" when he installs it.
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Superb - thanks. Still have the phone on the wall, so maybe he'll not notice LOL!!!

Yes Chuck is correct ! I have Sky+ and when Engineer did the installation he measured out the length of the Phone connection from Digi-Box to BT wall socket and left it at that. Everything works fine without it but ideally Sky would like us all connected up with the view of taking on their Broadband Package in the future.
I'm still with BT
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Bl**dy love you guys.... xx
The activation of a replacement box is nothing to do with (under contract terms) having the modem connected for the "FIRST YEAR" of contract. If you are continuing a current contract, and just swapping a box over, you do not need it connected.
Any telephone will do to activate the box with Sky. They will want the serial number, etc, from the engineering info page. .. This is needed only if you are taking subscription level over the basic ones. ie movies, sports, etc. or multi-room.
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Super - I've had Sky for 10 years 2 months - so I reckon I am covered!!

Thanks a bunch . xxxx

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New Sky+ box - landline needed?

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