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mollykins | 13:11 Sat 24th Jul 2010 | Technology
8 Answers
I'm trying to find something on google, which i'v done, on another computer but can't find it!!!!!!!

If i'm looking for 'sea cadet corps leading cadet requirements' and its not turning up, what could i change the wording to, to possibly find it? What synonyms of requirements are there? does the order of the words count?


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Thanks, i'm looking but i'm not sure if it'll be there.
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nope . . .
"Leading Cadet is the second highest cadet rate, and to become one requires several things. You must have 30 points, hold a pulling coxswain certificate, be at least fifteen years old, and will need your CO's recommendation (you may be required to attend a leadership cours).
Then you can take your LC's board, which is a (normally) weekend long series of tests and interviews, to assess your suitability. If you pass you become a senior cadet, and get a badge of rank depicting a fouled anchor for your best uniform, epaulettes, and also, males, for your white fronts (worn under best uniform). As a LC you will probably teach other cadets a lot of the time, and may be in charge of a section of the unit."

I googled the exact same as you did (without the quotes as putting quotes round things means it will search for that exact phrase) and then click pages from the UK (the top results otherwise were all to do with hong kong). the top answer was a doc that contained the above.
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aahhh, thanks chuck but can you tell when that was last updated, I think it's changed as I needed level 2 power which I've now got, but it doesn't mention that. I wanted to see what other things I need.
are you enquiring about enlisting ?
Question Author
I'm an able cadet in the sea cadets, that's who i did my power level two and got 27 points with so far (although some stuff like scuba diving i'd done before but still got points for having those skills), and I'm on my way to being a leading cadet, but I couldn't remember what I needed, last i heard it was something like;

Seamanship second class OR seamanship third class and another third class or higher specialisation.


Pulling coxswain OR power level 2 (you used to be able to have stage three sailing but it isn't necessary anymore.)


At least thirty points (i've got 27 in just under two years but some stuff i'd done before I joined)


Be fifteen


On the recommendation of your commanding officer, you have to go away and be assessed and pass all sections with something like 80% including sections such as your uniform being assessed, ability to teach, dril (armed and unarmed)

AND I'm sure there's other stuff.
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Tambo, thanks for the link, but i'm already a cadet plus i'm english.

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