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black and white photos

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lotsafun | 14:44 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Does anyone know if you can have old black and white photos digitally mastered into colour, and if so where? ive found a lovely photo of my father in law and late mother in law on their wedding day that we would all love to see in colour. Thanks


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You can't add the colour aromatically in any way as the information is not there in the original.

Any service that will make it colour will basically be colouring in the picture and there would be no guarantee that the original colours are being used.
I have done mine with `Paint` and also my mothers and fathers wedding. It just takes a bit of time and patience and not as good as the real thing but better than B&W.
you can only guess at what the colours might have been in real life.
I've done a lot of photo restoration and adding colour to a b/w photo takes ages and it always does not look right. Hence I try and just enhance b/w pictures without using colour.
Further to my first post you can't add colour either aromatically or automatically.

(I really should proof read what the spell checker has done)

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black and white photos

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