Connecting laptop to tv in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Connecting laptop to tv

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buzzyb | 11:35 Wed 22nd Sep 2010 | Computers
5 Answers
Morning all,

Can i have some help please.

Just bought a Dell laptop and want to connect it to my Sony TV.

Went into Currys. told them what I wanted to do and they told me I needed a HDMI cable as this was the only cable that would enable me to watch Iplayer, movie downloads, view photos etc. Got the cable home and discovered the cable won't connect to the laptop. I then checked the small manual for the laptop (should have done that first) and discovered the only connection to a moniotor is via a VGA cable.

Before I waste my time with Currys or similar store, can someone tell me what cable I need. I can connect HDMI or something simlar to the VGA on the laptop but the TV connection has to be secured with screws.

Many thanks

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I use a VGA lead from my machine connected to my LCD Television (as my Laptop screen is damaged) to view and there arent any problems or restrictions due to using this. Im sure that not all new machines have HDMI ports as it is a relatively new thing although im sure that will change soon and will become the norm.
My only advice would be to make sure you get a VGA lead that is long enough for what you need.
Good luck!
If the laptop has no HDMI on it then getting a VGA lead is your only option.

You will also need a separate audio lead as well as the VGA lead only caries Video, not audio. exactly which audio lead you require will depend on what the PC audio input is on your TV, but you'll either need a 3.5mm jack to 3.5mm jack lead... Or a 3.5mm jack to 2 x RCA (phono) plugs.

(I bet curries told you to buy a stupidly expensive HDMI lead as well.... anything over about £5 for a shortish HDMI lead is a rip off)
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thanks for the help.

i have another question regarding the audio imput. does this cable have to connect the laptop to the tv? the only other ports i have on the laptop are the USB and two small ports for earphones and a mike.

Yes, the cable suggested by Currys was £50 and it's going back.

Yes the audio lead will connect from the earphone socket on the laptop (which will be a 3.5mm jack) to whatever the PC audio input is on the TV (could be either a 3.5mm jack or 2 x RCA sockets)

This site could have helped, as they seem to specialise in PC to TV solutions, they have a handy guide too:

Hope this helps!

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