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grinner-d | 20:12 Wed 06th Oct 2010 | Technology
2 Answers
I have just bought a tower pc from a friend. I know it works as I was using it fine at his, no problems. However, since connecting it up to my monitor, the monitor recieves no signal.

When connecting the monitor up to my laptop, the screen displays perfectly. So what could be causing the monitor to recieve no signal from the tower?

I recently had an old tower pc repaired also and connected it to my monitor and again it recieved no signal. (This was the original tower which I have always used with this monitor)
I told the repair guy to take back his parts and refund the money but am now thinking it maybe did work! ;-/

Thanks for any advice.


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Boot it in safe mode, if you get a picture then goto the display properties, turn the screen resolution right down and then reboot back into normal mode and then up the screen resolution a bit at a time until the monitor will no longer display a pic, then leave it on the setting just below where it stops working.
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Oh think you may have hit the nail on the head the Chuck! My friend did have it connected up to his widescreen tv and I'm using a 19" monitor.

Will try in the morning and let you know. Thanks

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