amazon kindle 3 in The AnswerBank: Technology
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amazon kindle 3

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sammmo | 20:22 Tue 12th Oct 2010 | Technology
2 Answers
I'm Going to the USA over christmas and i was thinking of treating myself to an Amazon kindle 3.. the kindle 1 used whispernet in the usa to wirelessly download items and was'nt much use outside of the US wirelessly.. Is the kindle three more able to download wirelessly in the uk and would it make any difference me buying one in the usa rather than in the uk where they cost alot more?
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The kndle can connect in two ways...

Wireless, which uses a normal Internet connection like you'd have in your home and use with a laptop or it can also be used by joining any free wireless hotspot. This way will work in any country as long as you are near a wireless access point you can use.

3G, this uses a mobile phone network and requires a sim card in the kindle (just like the one in any mobile phone) this method will only work if you have the correct sim card for your country in the kindle. so a USA kindle would not have the ability to connect to the UK mobile phone network.

Also you would have to pay import duty on the kindle if you bought it abroad and tried to bring it into this country.
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thanks chuckF.. so it would be pointless me buying one in america with 3G.. but the ones without are cheaper anyway.. as long as can connect at a wireless hotspot i will be happy..

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