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woodelf | 16:30 Wed 20th Oct 2010 | Technology
9 Answers
If it is possible to do so, please could someone recommend a laptop for a beginner?...I don't know what other info you would need to do so; Ta Muchly.


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Computers and laptops are much more reliable and powerful than they were so a new a laptop buyer need priortise size of screen, weight and battery life.
If it is going to be used on a desk mainly then battery life and weight don't matter. Get the biggest size screen you can afford.
Any laptop in the £300 range is suitable for a beginner.
For continuous usage you would be re-charging battery every 2 hrs approx on a lappy.
For the price (and considering it's a 17inch screen) this is a bloody good deal at the moment.|16164797.htm
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Many Thanks All...Jay, it wouldn't be for continuous use and Chuck, please could you tinyurl your link!
My apologies woodelf, I had not spotted it was yourself asking the question.

It's a link to a deal argos are doing currently, tinyurl is below.
Question Author
That's okay Chuck, Many Thanks.
I made reference to that laptop in one of my threads.

4gb memory and a 17" screen for £333 - incredible deal and one I cant match anywhere else.
Question Author
Many Thanks for the confirmation Matt.

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