Does anyone think like me this grief thing with Carol over Billy is OTT?
I know grief can go in all sorts of directions but the way she's carrying on is surely not natural.
I've seen grief many times & even grief of a child but I still think the prog has gone OTT.
Her grief is understandable, but she is such a right cow with it - cutting herself off from others, being so nasty. Banning his family from the funeral? Ridiculous. I'd have gone anyway, no matter what she said - she wasn't the only one who loved Billy.
And now she's supposed to sleep with Billy's ex-best mate - the one she was accusing of killing him only last week? Mmmmm.... that is a tad OTT.
Is her maiden not not Banning or at l,east sound like it .The actress who plays the part is probabally the best actress in these soaps .For over the top acting over grief was in Corination Street when who ever it was was walking out with the girl for 12 minutes and the gut wrenchin scenes at her bed side will go down in history as the worst acting in a minor part ,Think he was Barnes any one remember it ?
Grief affects everyone in different ways. Nobody knows how they would be if they were in the same position as Carol. I`ve known people go hysterical & shut the world out while others dont shed a tear. I thought it was really nice seeing the gang paying their respects to Billy.