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internet explorer

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Connemmara | 11:21 Sun 31st Oct 2010 | Technology
6 Answers
I am lucky to be talking to you here as I have had problems from Friday - my pc is not allowing me to get into internet. it is coming up as internet explorer has encountered problems and we will just have to shut you down. I probably need my computer expert to come round and look at it. I have rebooted and taken plugs out and just in a mad moment I get on to internet. Before I get him round (computer expert) is there anything more I can do. When I go probably wont get in again for another while. thanks


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Have you tried another browser e.g. Firefox? Are you still receiving emails?
Try runnning IE without any add ons and see if it's stable, if it is then it's one of your add ons causing the problem. click so... Click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).

If it works OK, then you'll need to dissable all your add-ons (tools > add ons) and then start enabling them one by one to find out what the problem is.

If it's not add-ons then try reinstalling IE8

Though the best advice might be to give up using IE all together and switch to a different browser such as firefox.
Mozilla <a href="">Fir

</a> is good . IE isn't better than Firefox , I think.
Mozilla <a href="" title="Firefox" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Firefox</a> is good . IE isn't better than Firefox , I think. <br/>
Have a full scan on your PC and clean up the invalid registry entries.
Hi Connemmara,

The first step is to try running IE in No Add-on Mode as ChuckFickens suggested. This will let you know if the problem is being caused by an add-on. If it is caused by an add-on you can disable add-ons to figure out which one is causing the problem.

Otherwise, try resetting IE settings which will bring IE back to it's original settings. To do this follow these steps:

>Open Internet Explorer.
>Click Tools, and then click Internet Options.
>Click the Advanced tab.
>Under Reset Internet Explorer Settings, click Reset.

Hope this helps!

IE Outreach Team

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