Perhaps this particular loo contains a portal to different countries.
"Cor blimey, scuse us a minute - I'm busting for a slash, I think I'll do it in Portugal this time"
what are you worried about, olive? That he's pretending to be a woman online? Or that he's pretending to be one in real life?
You can claim to be anyone you like online; though Facebook may act to stop you doing things like grooming minors. Even in real life you can walk into the wrong loos without committing a crime. So on what exact grounds do you want him stopped?
So all hes done is put a profile up as a woman, yet hes pre-op.
Thats no reason for FB to cancel his account. There are people who make profiles for their unborn children and even for pets and for teddies. FB have no reason to cancel such accounts
"There are people who make profiles for their unborn children and even for pets and for teddies. FB have no reason to cancel such accounts "
Actually they do, it's against their terms as they state you can't open an account for another person or falsify details. (though they obviously don't enforce this right)
But there is no way on this earth that facebook are going to cancel a pre-op transgender's account for them saying they are female, that's a legal hell they won't want to get involved in.
Is this a game of internet chinese whispers? A new user comes on and talks in broken cryptic english that there is a man pretending to be a woman and is pre op or something and then all hell breaks loose with everyone screaming "paedophile"?
Are many users here expert in broken cryptic english? I'm just wondering if this is how that angry mob thought that the pediatrician was a paedophile the other day?
Does anger and confusion rule over logic here?
MM the OP coupled with the line "the other day he went into girls toilet" to me seems like it could be an indication of suspicious behaviour towards persons under the age of 16.
No-one was "screaming paedophile" as you put it - don't exaggerate.
Then the questions should have been, who are you, what is your age, is this person an adult, where did this take place,by girls toilets do you mean female toilets etc.. to get a grip on the situation as a whole.
Why didn't I ask? Why should I, it was obviously in your perfectly capable hands without me wading in, i just didn't want to add to the confusion as a hundred people asking a confused broken english cryptic talking person just aren't going to get any sense from them are they? I just watched as it all inevitably descended into kaos.