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bigger monitor

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deggers316 | 16:46 Tue 23rd Nov 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
i have a lcd 19"square monitor at moment
looking at a dell 22" wide
would my radeon 9800 pro card be able to fill this width and look normal not squeezed etc.
are dells 22" ok anybody know?l


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When you get a new monitor you set the resolution in Windows (1680 x 1050 or whatever). This will cope with the widescreen shape.

This assumes you have the correct drivers for the graphics card installed, and your card can "cope" with the desired resolution.
You can check that the card will support the new monitor as follows:
Right-click on the desktop and choose Properties
Go to the settings tab, and click advanced
Go to the monitor tab and uncheck (hide modes that this monitor cannot display)
Click OK
Back at the Settings tab, see if you can select 1680 by 1050 DO NOT CLICK OK or APPLY!
Click cancel.
If you can select the required resolution, go ahead and buy the new monitor, then just repeat as above, but missing out the Advanced step, and clicking OK once you've selected the resolution.
9800 Pro's are fussy about the drivers .. but will drive that res. ok.
The ATI Catalyst drivers may not work right. You 'might' need to use these .. ATI .. 8-1_xp32_dd_ccc_wdm_enu_57717
I have a spare PC with the same card and use these drivers.
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thanks guys

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