Does anyone have a internet radio? in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Does anyone have a internet radio?

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yelenots | 22:41 Wed 24th Nov 2010 | Technology
4 Answers
Are they any good?
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I have an App on my phone which converts it into an Internet radio via wifi. You can listen to some pretty wierd (particularly USA) stations but I still think an FM reciever is more practical.
I have a Sony one that picks up fine but only stations that subscribe to Sony's partners, so no BBC stations or many uk stations but absolute and Luxembourg are fine
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Thank you........just wondering whether to buy a Pure Evoke Flow for a xmas pressie for my husband!
Please be aware that lots of radio stations, including BBC ones can be listened to on a computer over the internet (hard wired or WiFi) simply by logging onto the relevant IP address and no particular commercial radio software/application is needed as such - everything you need is available for free and together with a standard on-board sound card you can have your audio stream (compare iPlayer, etc.). This is how I listen to UK stations when abroad (usually WiFi on my laptop).

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Does anyone have a internet radio?

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