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central heating

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fruitsalad | 09:06 Tue 30th Nov 2010 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
in this cold weather do you find it works out cheaper to leave heating on 24/7 and turn it up and down from the thermostat or do you think its better to put on the timer and have it come on in the morning and evening? was'nt sure where to put this question


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I think it depends what type of boiler you have.

If it's a combi then I think it's cheaper to have it on timer.
I'll be interested to find out as well:)

(Home & Garden is usually good for this type of question -theres a good few posters there who know their stuff)
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yes ummmm its a combi boiler will put in home and garden also Dris
I've just text my old boss....I'm almost sure with a combi it's cheaper to have it on timer.
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thank you for that ummmm very helpful
I dont have a combi so would be interested -the thought has crossed my mind as well.
He'll get back to me in a bit....

With the older type boilers It costs more to get them going. With a combi you have instant hot water anyway.
i missed daybreak today but apparently there was a section from money saving man (martin something or other) on tips to cost effective ways of heating your home
Excuse my thickness - but what is a combi boiler when it is at home?
Martin Lewis.
salla......combination.......bra and knickers combined.
Salla...with a combi you don't need a tank. You get instant hot water. So basically every time you turn the hot tap on the boiler fires up.
O he's good zzxxee -I was in nod.Martin Lewis? he's usually spot on as well.I'll check the website ta.
Yeah thats what I wondered ummm -if it would be cheaper just to keep mine ticking over given the effort to get it going...
A combi heats up your hot water as it is the old ascot heaters you had in your kitchen. The other type heats up the water which is stored in a copper water tank that is usually in your airing cupboard.
Thanks sqad x

I have an immersion heater. My boiler is gas but if it's not 'on' then if I run the hot tap, I will only get the temperature of water that's stored in the tank. So - I assume I don't have a combi?
Same as what I have salla.
No you don't have a combi Salla...

Worth investing in though.

We don't have one here...after having one most of my adult life I still forget to turn the water on :-(
Confused now!!!
So if you have the type of boiler that has a tank in the airing it cheaper to keep it on 24/7 and use the thermostat? I've been doing that anyway as my timer isn't very reliable. Have it thermostat to 68 degrees.....

Lisa x
Thats what i have Lisa -I dont have my heating on very often -just to keep the cold air off but now i'm wondering if I should do what you do?
I am confused as well :)
I think it's cheaper to have it on low all of the time.

It's like a's better to keep it ticking over than to keep starting the engine. Starting the engine uses more fuel.

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