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How to interest a keyboard neophyte?

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bibblebub | 00:52 Fri 10th Dec 2010 | Technology
9 Answers
I was trying to provide support at a computer basics session today, and there was one person who couldn't wait to get away. During the session I got the definite impression that she had never used a keyboard before, certainly not a computer keyboard; there is that frustration of not being able to physically locate a particular key as well as not remembering the effects of a modifier key, and I would guess that she felt like giving up before she even got to the point when a PC might become interesting. I'll be surprised if she's there next week.

Is there a fun way of getting an adult used to using a keyboard that isn't childish in its approach?


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playing the games, solitaire etc. It also gives good mouse control.
I was going to suggest that too jaydah, a few simple games help get over the fear.
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But it's not about mouse control, it's about getting used to the layout of a keyboard.

It's all about when it takes several seconds to work out which is the next key to be hit, and it takes that long because one is unfamiliar with the QWERTY layout (who invented that?) and then there are all those extra computer keys that need to be used.

I was simply after some exercises for people who have minimal experience of using a computer keyboard.

(p.s. I am aware of the origins of the QWERTY keyboard).
We learned to type to the rhythm of the Flight of the Bumblebee, QWERTY's never bothered me since! I am told that there is some good basic stuff on the BBC Learning Zone - worth having a look at?
good grief boxtops, you must manage about 1000 wpm to that!
touch typing exercises....this might put most off computers
LOL slinkycat, it was slowed down a bit when we were starting out, very syncopated - but I think of the typing school every time I hear it!
Using a computer keyboard for the first time can be quite disconcerting. Especially after using an electronic typewriter... the absence of the carriage whizzing past takes a while to get used to.
Some people are quite shy about their inability to efficiently to play a keyboard like the pros. The typing while looking at the screen is only for the ones who learned while younger.
Luckily, more and more silver surfers are appearing and what a welcome change to get more mature insight on subjects. If this person doesn't turn up any more get her/is phonenumber from the facilitator and give them a ring. They will be more comfortable with a one on one friend until they are more proficient with the basics.
Is it possible that she could be suffering from some form of Dyslexia and is embarrassed by it?
Just a thought!

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How to interest a keyboard neophyte?

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