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daftgrandad | 15:33 Tue 22nd Feb 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Is it just me or is Answerbank painfully slow today ?
I have put this in Chatterbank so I do,nt get too many technical replies.I afraid they,re not my forte !
Many thanks in advance.


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It's up and down for me..
same as normal for me. no problems, but i'm on another site too so not using AB much today
I've known it worse.
It was like wading through treacle carrying a camel earlier ... seems better now.

But puzzleking was on, maybe the AB servers got confused?
I've been in and out so haven't much noticed the up and down.
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Nice one Naz !
Flange sprocket problems...they can slow it down!
We've had a couple of issues with our sever supplier recently - nothing big, but a couple of hic-ups here and there. It sounds like you're experiencing a little internet indigestion - it'll clear up soon, and if it doesn't try some yoghurt.

All the best

Spare Ed
Isn't yoghurt for thrush?
Can't it be both?
I didn't know birds liked yoghurt? I'll have to ask the twitchers: http://www.theanswerb...t/Question988334.html
Hey Naz- do you think Yoghurt was the answer to puzzleking123's question the other day about a medicine beginning with Y that is taken "via the rear"- maybe he got the body aprts mixed up
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Thanks for all replies.I,ll just have to persevere.
Salla,Ed, I have,nt the yeast idea what you mean.
Factor, where's that question, I really want to reply with 'YoMamma' ... lol
One tip ladies: very important: only use natural or greek yoghurt without big lumps of fruit in.
glad you've risen to the occasion dg.
<hehe, I'm gonna get banned for that>
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Hey factor,that,s plagiarism,using my phrase on the other thread! LOL
Just environmentally friendly recycling

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