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4-in-1 remote controls ....

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mrs.chappie | 20:00 Fri 25th Feb 2011 | Technology
6 Answers
Does anyone have one that works?


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No, we put ours in the bin in the end.
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Same here boxy. :o(
I have one but couldn't get it to work so give it to my niece to play with.
I got one work after much faffing about, but as they can not really operate the advanced stuff on a lot of things I ended up having to keep the other remotes to hand, meaning it just ended up as another, extra, remote. it's been in a drawer for ages now.
My "One For All" operates tv (one year old) and an ntl cable tv box (not sure about the newer kind). DVD/HDD recorder cannot be operated though.
I had a One-For-All ... Twas good-for-none.

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4-in-1 remote controls ....

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