Why are SCART leads so difficult to plug into TV sets etc. The alignment of the lead is such that it can go in just one way (which is understandable) but the entry point is so narrow that it is impossible to get in unless it is held absolutely level at point of entry. Case of bad design that we are now stuck with. Who designed it??
I quite agree with Dom Tuk- scart leads are awful - mine is always falling out of the back of the tv - why is newer technology getting harder for mere mortals?
I agree with Dom Tuk, they are a crappy design. Not only are they difficult to insert, but the weight of the cable at one end means that they are always working loose. Our TV, VCR and DVD are all on a trolley type stand, and if you move it just a couple of millimetres the TV plug pops out at the cable end, just far enough that we have a picture but no sound.
Just a little joke after a long day at work. I've spent an inordinate amount of time today listening to people complaining that something doesn't work when it was clear that they just didn't make themselves aware of how it should work.
Any scart lead I've ever used has always fitted very snugly - although it does confuse me that they sometimes only work when you take the end out of the TV and put it in the DVD (and vice versa). I assumed that they worked both ways.
Am I making this up?