The Units Quiz - C/D 10Th April
Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
A. A silver surfer is usually someone over 50 that uses the Internet - and as the over-50s are a generation that did not generally grow up using computers they are considered a unique and separate group, so much so that many websites have been created by and for them.
Q. How many silver surfers use PCs regularly
A. A survey carried out by Age Concern in conjunction with Microsoft in 2000 found that over four million people in the over 50s age group in the UK owned and used a PC at home regularly, and 600,000 used PCs in colleges and libraries. Eighty per cent of those surveyed found computers easy to use (that did not use them as part of their jobs) and 25% spent more time online than watching TV.
The survey also determined that the over 50s age group favoured educational sites over any other genre. Other statistics outlined computer habits: 81% used their PC for correspondence; 59% used it for email and 48% used their PC to surf the net.
Q. I must be a silver surfer myself then! What sort of topics to silver surfer websites cover
A. Everything, for example pensions, investments, holidays, gardening, restaurants etc.
Q. Can you recommend any good sites
A. Some of the best include the following:
This is a serious site for the over 50s - it states that there are "around 19 million people over fifty years of age in the UK. That's a major part of society, but too often our collective voice goes unheard. As a result, the way we see ourselves and the way the rest of society sees us are often poles apart. People in our age group carry out 60% of all UK savings and investments and 75% of all e-commerce transactions. At, we want to harness that power to change your life for the better."
Fifth Moon has an online magazine, a campaigns section and often airs debates on health care, age discrimination and pension provision. It has a members charter that promises that Fifth will provide a strong and influential voice for the whole community of over 50s and challenge all preconceptions about age that our society holds.
This is a great site as it offers an introduction to computing in general and the Internet in particular for people that are not overly familiar with using it and makes a unique promise that all its links are never more than four clicks away - the site has also been designed to reduce the amount of typing a user has to do, for those who are unfamiliar with using a keyboard , or who are just not very good at it. It also acts as a portal to hundreds of links that silver surfers will find useful.
Some of this site's best features include its stocks and shares profile; free legal advice; it Digiguide (interactive TV and radio guide); How stuff works e.g how the Internet works or how a car engine operates; and cheap last minute holidays.
This site also offers hundred of links to other sites including helplines, advice and general information. Its investments, insurance and banking section is especially good and aims to put you in touch with well established companies that offer all types of insurance (house and contents, car, health, life etc.) a range of investments (endowments, bonds, unit trusts, investment trusts, pensions etc.) and other services ( banking, loans mortgages etc.). Some of the companies listed on the site offer discounts and special deals for the over 50s, especially if they are Internet users.
This site is targeted at the over-60s and encourages all its users to live life to the full, it labels its users as "free spirits making the most of the www" - it has great special features on travel, fun and games, health, insurance, discussion groups and legal issues.
Cennet was conceived a few years ago by a husband and wife team, both in their 50s, who realised that there was not much on the net that suited their needs. It has fantastic sections on lifestyle, shopping, pastimes, money, travel, home and garden, health and personal friendships. It also has a discussion room and an email club.
Is another great site with lots of links for silver surfers.
Personal account from a woman who has discovered the Internet in her 50s and also learnt to swim - this site encourages the over 50s to take up hobbies in later life.
Other good silver surfer websites include the following:
Web Express; Learning Centres; Hairnet - that offers computer training for the over-50s; The Oldie - online version of the magazine; Saga online version of the over-50s magazine offering a wide selection of package holidays; Wise Owls which provides an Internet support network for the over-45s; and Vavo which claims to be the first and largest portal in Europe aimed at the over 45s market.
However, if you are a real silver surfer surfing the waves rather than the Internet then this is the site for you:'s%20Hot/Silver%20Surfers.
If you have any other Internet & Technology related questions, please click here
By Karen Anderson