Hello I recently spent a weeks holiday in Malta and bought into a club membership for discover access on returning to the UK I'm now wondering if I've done the right thing worried it might be a scam part of the contract states this agreement is legally
binding and CAN NO BE CANCELLED and that concerns me as do I not have so many days cooling off period
If what you've signed qualifies as a 'timeshare' your contract is covered by the European Union's Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange Regulations 2010 which apply in nearly all EU countries (definitely including Malta): http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2010/2960/pdfs/uksi_20102960_en.pdf Those regulations give you 14 days to...
If what you've signed qualifies as a 'timeshare' your contract is covered by the European Union's Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange Regulations 2010 which apply in nearly all EU countries (definitely including Malta):
Those regulations give you 14 days to cancel the contract. Anything you've signed which apears to conflict with that statement is NOT valid.