Buying A Villa In Spain in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Buying A Villa In Spain

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postman44 | 22:06 Wed 29th Dec 2021 | How it Works
22 Answers
What are the pros and cons of buying a villa in Spain in 2022.please
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Getting away from you must be one of the pros then.
22:34 Wed 29th Dec 2021
Pros - nice weather, nice food blah blah
Cons - unless you have an EU passport, your visits are restricted.
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Rockyracoon. Why I ask ladyfriend is visiting friends in Spain. Think she is playing mind games. Thanks.
Can't see a connection between your lady friend visiting friends in Spain and your question, postman
Getting away from you must be one of the pros then.
Don't be talked into anything.
Has she replied to any of your messages yet?
It depends if you want it for your permanent residence, or as a holiday home.

Whichever, you need to employ a reccomended Spanish solicitor who understands the complex land registry rules out there and can guide you through all the correct processes.

Foreign property ownership can be tricky if you are not already, or planning to become a citizen, so you can get caught out in all kinds of legal traps.

Make sure you explore everything very thoroughly before you even think of embarking on this process, and be sure that your reasons for buying are sound, and are going to give you what you want.

It's a riskly business at the best of times - be careful.
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Andres no she has not replied to any of my messages and mamyalynne I always appreciate your kind advice thank you.
Be cautious.
For the cost of buying a villa in Spain with all the hassle and front end costs involved, you could go on many holidays staying in a hotel without any of the worries.
I dont see the link between her not contacting you postman44 and you wandering about buying a villa. Before she left was she trying to persuade you to buy one?
Would you considering selling up here in UK? Do you have freinds& famly here?
I assumed from your user name you were born in 1944... is that right? If so Im 20 years younger and dont think i could cope with the upheaval now never mind in 20 years.
I think you can go for 90 days (Dec-Feb?) without a visa. I would rent, you could then try out different places without being tied to a single location.
Did you have a spanish property here... you said proceeds are in spanish bank
hmm - - - lesson 1 - dont!
Husband used to own an apartment in Spain. Too much hassle with local laws, licences and the Spanish ‘manana’ approach, and that was before Brexit.

Think very carefully, and then think some more.
almost impossible to sell.
also it's almost impossible for a foreigner to own property in Spain, they have no equivalent of Freehold. My Grandfather fell foul of this years ago.
Hang on .
It seems easy with those folks on ' A Place In The Sun '
Notwithstanding what's gone before, my in-laws had a place in Spain for many years, had a great life and sold up a few years ago having ridden out 'the crash'.

The right lawyer, a lot of research beforehand and fluency in the language helped for a relatively easy time over all.
Every legal property in Spain is freehold - there is no equivalent of leasehold.
Buy a house and you buy the land it sits on; buy an apartment and you buy the walls and any outside space attached such as terrace or balcony

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