You are correct to see mosquito attack as the crux of the matter. Travel companies are bound to tell you to take tablets for the same reason tumble dryer makers tell you you should not put your pet in there to dry it off - litigation. See if you can't get Mosquito Milk (tropical version) in Boots or similar, this is a very good repellent. Use it on all exposed skin between dusk and dawn, by running a stripe behind ears, across forehead and cheeks, down both sides of arms and legs. Take with you or buy there a good insect spray and spray under ceiling (particularly corners), under/underside of all furniture and around windows and doors. Sleep with doors and windows either fully screened or else closed. I have spent something like a decade in total in malarial areas and neither I, my family or visitors have had malaria - we judge the precautions effective. People living in these areas do not take anti-malaria tablets. It is on UK doctors' check list to recommend them (they give no other advice as standard). If you have chills/fever or cold/flu symptoms with 4-6 weeks of return, insist on a malaria test - simple and quick.