Asks Julian A. Jutland makes up the greater part of Denmark covering about 250 miles (400km) stretching from its German border to its northern most tip. Q. What are the main towns in Jutland A.
00:00 Mon 28th Jan 2002Asks meredew A. Accurate flying times will vary depending on weather conditions, but an approximate time to the major cities can be predicted to take the following times (also included is a list of
00:00 Mon 21st Jan 2002Asks marmalade A. The Brabo Fountain is in Antwerp, the second city of Belgium. It's named after Silvius Brabo, a legendary hero who ended years of terror for the port by the giant Antigonus who,
00:00 Mon 21st Jan 2002Asks Janis A. It is almost complete and will be by the time Manchester hosts the Commonwealth Games later this year. Many of its old buildings have been cleaned and new ones built and many slum areas
00:00 Mon 21st Jan 2002Asks sugar A. Tourism Concern is a charitable organisation that was set up in 1989 to campaign for tourism that is economically fair, limiting any damage to the environment or cultural mores of
00:00 Mon 14th Jan 2002Asks natalia A. Instead of 25th December, Christmas is celebrated on 7th January. This is not unique as the Russian Orthodox Church, among others, also celebrate Christmas on 7th January. All Coptic
00:00 Mon 14th Jan 2002Asks serge A. It has been a British colony since 1713. Q. Why is it called the Rock of Gibraltar A. Gibraltar is an actual rock that sits in the Mediterranean (with Spain to the north and west of
00:00 Mon 14th Jan 2002Asks saskia A. Blackpool is the busiest holiday beach resort in the North West and has loads to offer its visitors. Some of the best places to visit include the following: Blackpool Pleasure Beach:
00:00 Mon 07th Jan 2002Asks stephenpowell A. Andorra is in the eastern Pyrenees, bordered by France (to the east and north) and Spain (to the west and south). Q. How many people actually live in Andorra A. At the last
00:00 Mon 07th Jan 2002Asks sharan A. The three main islands of the Maltese archipelago are the only ones that are inhabited, and these are Malta, Gozo and Comino. Q. Where exactly is Malta A. Malta is located off the
00:00 Mon 07th Jan 2002Asks hugo A. Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of the island, and is home to 200,000 inhabitants. Q. Is Santa Cruz de Tenerife a good place to visit A. It is a beautiful city full of
00:00 Mon 31st Dec 2001Asks esme A. You can contact your doctor who will be able to advise you on the latest vaccinations necessary to travel to certain countries or alternatively NHS Direct or the Department of Health
00:00 Mon 31st Dec 2001 Asks Margaret A. It really depends on how easy you want your shopping experience to be. Experienced skiers used to buy all of their equipment abroad up until about four years ago because it was a
00:00 Mon 31st Dec 2001Asks Margaret A. Cork City dates back to the 7th Century when its patron saint, St Finbarr founded an abbey and school there. A small town grew out of monastic foundations, but it only lasted until
00:00 Mon 24th Dec 2001Asks panda A. Yes it is closed throughout the winter, which is bad news if you were planning a day trip over Christmas. In 2002 it will be open daily from 9.30am from 16th March until 3rd November.
00:00 Mon 24th Dec 2001Asks mimi A. London has one of the biggest collections of art galleries in the world - so you're going to be spoilt for choice. Our recommendations include the following, we have listed them in
00:00 Mon 24th Dec 2001 Asks marmalade A. Summer is the best time of year weather wise as the climate is mild and temperate. You should, however, try to tie in your visit with a festival if you can as this provides an
00:00 Wed 17th Oct 2001 Asks Henderson A. The growth of outdoor pursuits and activity oriented breaks favoured by multinational companies as a way of getting their staff to "bond" and "work together as a team" have helped
00:00 Mon 17th Dec 2001A. Jerusalem is home to three of the most religiously significant monuments in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths - and is therefore a place of pilgrimage for all these
00:00 Mon 17th Dec 2001Asks Jemima A. Only if you're on the sleigh with Santa! You would fly to Helsinki from London (approximately 2 hrs, 45 minute flight), and then on to one of Lapland's five airports. These are
00:00 Mon 10th Dec 2001