ChatterBank1 min ago
Sailing From Southampton
6 Answers
What is the sea sailing route from Southampton to the Caribbean and also the Canary Islands.
Unless you go a very long way round (e.g. on a massively- expensive world cruise, taking several months, via India and China) it's impossible to get from Southampton to any part of the Caribbean without crossing the Atlantic Ocean (which will take several days in each direction). Any route to the Canary Islands is going to pass along Spain's Atlantic Coast...
13:38 Fri 06th Sep 2013
P & O routes to the Canary Islands here:
http:// www.poc ruises. com/cru ise-res ults/se arch-ca nary_is land-cr uises-2 013-cru ises_fr om_sout hampton /
Celebrity Cruise route here:
http:// www.cel ebrityc ruises. com/sea rch/sea rchResu ltsVaca tionIti nerary. do?pack ageid=E C14U064 &de st=EURO P&s hipCode =EC
Royal Caribbean route here:
http:// www.roy alcarib .uk/des tinatio ns/crui ses-fro m-the-u k/itine raries. aspx#ta b-16-11 075
Fred Olsen route here:
http:// www.fre dolsenc ruises. com/pla ces-we- visit/r egion/c anary-i sland-c ruises? contine nt=
(Click 'Ports of Call').
Cunard ports of call here:
http:// www.cun uk/dest ination s/regio ns/cana ry-isla nds-and -atlant ic-isle s-cruis es/#tab bedModu le783
MSC ports listed here:
http:// www.msc cruises uk_en/C ruise-D estinat ions/Ca nary-Is lands/O verview .aspx
Princess Cruises here:
http:// www.pri ncess.c om/find /cruise Details .do?voy ageCode =3331&a mp;tour Code=&a mp;date =&n oOfPax= 2&r esType= C&d efiniti on_name =
P & O Caribbbean route here:
http:// www.poc ruises. com/cru ise-des tinatio ns/cari bbean/
Cunard Caribbean ports of call here:
http:// www.cun uk/dest ination s/regio ns/cari bbean-c ruises/ #tabbed Module7 85
Fred Olsen here:
http:// www.fre dolsenc ruises. com/pla ces-we- visit/r egion/c aribbea n-cruis es?cont inent=N orth-Am erica-C aribbea n
(Click 'Ports of Call').
MSC information here:
http:// www.msc cruises uk_en/C ruise-D estinat ions/Ca ribbean /Overvi ew.aspx
Celebrity Cruise route here:
Royal Caribbean route here:
Fred Olsen route here:
(Click 'Ports of Call').
Cunard ports of call here:
MSC ports listed here:
Princess Cruises here:
P & O Caribbbean route here:
Cunard Caribbean ports of call here:
Fred Olsen here:
(Click 'Ports of Call').
MSC information here:
Unless you go a very long way round (e.g. on a massively-expensive world cruise, taking several months, via India and China) it's impossible to get from Southampton to any part of the Caribbean without crossing the Atlantic Ocean (which will take several days in each direction).
Any route to the Canary Islands is going to pass along Spain's Atlantic Coast (which is why most cruises call into ports on the western side of Spain). Unless a cruise (unusually) includes ports in France or northern Spain (such as Bilbao or Santander) the ship won't have to go into the Bay of Biscay, per se, but it will follow a line along roughly where the Bay of Biscay meets the Atlantic Ocean.
Any route to the Canary Islands is going to pass along Spain's Atlantic Coast (which is why most cruises call into ports on the western side of Spain). Unless a cruise (unusually) includes ports in France or northern Spain (such as Bilbao or Santander) the ship won't have to go into the Bay of Biscay, per se, but it will follow a line along roughly where the Bay of Biscay meets the Atlantic Ocean.