Q. It this the time to book a holiday A. Ah, well, now that depends on how brave you feel.Probably the FBI and their international colleagues won't go on record guaranteeing your safety - but
00:00 Mon 15th Oct 2001Asks marmalade A. The history of Budapest and Hungary itself is a massive subject - as it was naturally a place of hot springs and fertile land it attracted many nearby Europeans (including Romans,
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001Asks danmiller103 A. The word carnival is of Italian origin and means carne vai or goodbye to meat. The origins of the carnival differ depending on where you live and what traditions you believe in.
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001Asks esmeharrison A. Bath is one of the most picturesque cities in the UK - and among the top ten tourist locations in the country. It is best known for its hot springs, sweeping crescents with town
00:00 Mon 08th Oct 2001Asks marmalade A. There has been a lot of talk, and press coverage, since the horrific events of September 11, 2001 stating that the way we travel will be changed forever. This in effect means that
00:00 Mon 01st Oct 2001Asks Katie A. There isn't an entire museum devoted to this loveable bear, but there is a permanent Rupert Bear exhibition held in the Heritage Museum in Canterbury, Kent. Mary Tourtel, his creator
00:00 Mon 01st Oct 2001Asks esmeharrison A. Undoubtedly it is Zurich. Switzerland itself has a squeaky clean reputation and many of its cities are often criticised for their sanitised appearance and resulting cold
00:00 Wed 10th Jan 2001asks atwood2 A. One of the best sites for booking surprise trips can be found at Horizon Ballooning. It organises hot-air balloon trips around the south of England - in Berkshire, Hampshire, Sussex
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001asks alicevida A. The Lake District attracts more than 12 million visitors every year. Q. What attracts so many people A. The Lake District is renowned for its stunning scenery and spectacular
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001asks Katie A. Christiania was once the name of Oslo, capital of Norway. The city was known as Oslo from its inception in 1025 until it was burned down in 1624 and rebuilt by King Christian IV, who
00:00 Mon 24th Sep 2001ask Margie A. Cornwall is brimming over with towns, beaches and resorts to visit. Some of the most popular include the following: St Ives: Cultural heart of the county. Today it has a Tate Gallery
00:00 Mon 10th Sep 2001Asks panda A. Most websites geared towards the British expatriate community will help you keep in touch with news and current affairs back home, put you in touch with fellow Brits abroad or send you
00:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001Asks Pamela A. The Feria de Abril or April Festival is celebrated in the southern Spanish city of Seville. It is a massive street festival that lasts a week (in the last week of April) and usually
00:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001Asks fridaX A. Vancouver and its surrounding area have more parkland than some countries, not to mention other cities. My personal favourite is Stanley Park, but it really depends what you are
00:00 Mon 03rd Sep 2001Asks atwood2 A. You have done well to keep them busy this long, but with only two weeks to go until the kids are back at school you could maybe indulge them in a day out at one of the following
00:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001asks Brandon A. Keeping healthy and preventing illness or infection while abroad boils down to common sense in most cases, and in most western countries you can usually act as you would at home. But
00:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001Asks esmeharrison A. Barcelona is a great place to visit for a long weekend, as it is just possible to cover most of the top sights on foot - if you prefer not to use the very efficient Metro. It is
00:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001Asks ntsinonis A. Brittany is made up of four main areas: the C tes d'Armor, Finist re, Ille-et-Villaine and Morbihan. Fishing has long been the most important industry and the rocky Atlantic
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001Asks olga carola A. The Sultanate of Oman is in the Arabian Peninsula; it is bordered by the Arabian Sea (and the Gulf of Oman) on its east coast, Saudi Arabia on the west, the United Arab Emirates
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001Asks monkeysay A. San Francisco is often considered different from the rest of the US because it is believed to be more alternative i.e. hip and trendy from the rest of the country, and also because
00:00 Mon 20th Aug 2001