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Mermaid in Copenhagen

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Marijn | 19:05 Tue 31st May 2011 | Travel
21 Answers
I'm trying to remember the name for the mermaid statue in Copenhagen. I looked in Wikipedia and the name I'm trying to think of is not "Little Mermaid" or the Danish translation of that. Any help appreciated


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are you thinking of Lorelei ,notafish, ?
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no, but thanks for answering anyway
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Thanks Red Helen but it's not that either. It's not Ariel either.
Den lille havfrue in Danish
what you on about? it's called the little mermaid. just googled and it was the first thing
she doesn't seem to have a name in the story and I've not heard of the statue having one. Disney gave her the name Ariel
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The statue is really very small - tourists are often disappointed, but the clue's in the name!!
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Yes, I know it's called The Little Mermaid and I know the Danish translation etc. But there is another name for it that I'm trying to think of (maybe it's what the locals call it), but I know I've heard it called something else. Thanks for all your help, especially to jno for the story.
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And especially thank you Red Helen too, for taking the trouble to ask your SIL, much appreciated. If I try to put it out of my mind now, the answer will probably come to me.
She is The Little Mermaid
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Maybe it was just the people I was with in Copenhagen that called it the name I can't remember, so maybe I should give my brain a rest and forget about it. :-)
it might be a pet name...some statues get local nicknames.
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There's a statue in Glasgow called Cone-head.

Politcal leaders are respected :)
As far as I know the statue was inspired by the story by Hans Christian Andersen, who, in turn, based his figure on Undine, the water spirit.
But I believe the statue itself, doesn't have a name.
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Postdog you wouldn't have got confused had you read the question fully. I was not saying that it wasn't called the Little Mermaid. I was saying that wasn't the name I was trying to think of. Thank you everybody for your answers.
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Mermaid in Copenhagen

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