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Yes Im a dreadful woman!

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Smowball | 00:27 Fri 25th May 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Ok big cop out coz I know most of my lovelies on here will be fast asleep..... anyhoo!!

how many of you can honestly say you love your stepchildren??There, ive said it!! now I will burn in hell!!


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I personally have not got any, my daughter has and they are very devoted.
I don't have any. I have a daughter with a stepdad though and I have no idea if he 'loves' her or not. I know he's very fond of her but he also gets exasperated sometimes. I don't expect him to love her though, they have no natural bond and there is no rule which says because he loves me he must automatically love her. They get along and seem happy enough. That'll do for me :-)

My two older girls were a big part of the reason why I wanted to marry the present Mrs Hughes.

I haven't always liked them, and the way they behave, but my love for them was, and is unconditional.
What is the problem Smow??
The first Mr Craft's second wife certainly didn't love my daughter, having said that, she wasn't keen on her own son.
I can imagine itd be a different love....or the same? Guess it depends on the person lol!!

Some people dont love their own biological kids- nothing queerer than folk xx
: O dreadful but quite funny. I still see my ex partners daughter, probably more than he does (sh!tbag that he is), I love her, not like my own but they're such a big part of your life.
I raised my (step)daughter from 6 months old for 14 years until me and her mother split eight years ago. To this day, she is still MY daughter and I am very proud of the young lady she has become. We all need love and tutoring. : )
I my stepchildren very much. Yes they are difficult but I wouldn't be without them.

Eldest (girl) is sullen and stroppy and her hormones are really starting to kick in. She wl play one adult off against the other if she can get something out of it gets(namely Moshi Monsters).

Middle child (boy) has autism and sometimes needs to be calmed down when his temper flares.

Youngest (girl) is will cry at the drop.of a hat if it gets her what she wants.

Still, they're not boring children and they have impeccable manners.
I *love* my stepchildren
I love my kids and would die for them....but they are my own.....that is the way of nature..I always said I could never bring up someone else's kid ..I also think that is the way of nature...most species put their own genes first,second and last so not surprising really that we do similar.....IMO.
Having raised step children for 7/8 years I can quite honestly and categorically say I would never, ever do it again
I haven't got any but my kids get on brilliantly with their step dad.
I don't have any so don't know but would presume that I couldn't really love stepchildren but on reflection I did really love one of my stepsisters so maybe I could.
I love my step son ( who was just a wee lad when his mother and I got together) as if he were my own, there has never been any difference of feeling between he and my natural children, nor could I imagine there ever being, the same thing applies to Mattie who is not a step child of either mine or my wife's but who lived with us from the age of 10 or so because he couldn't live at home and was treated like one of our kids. I'm even very fond of my wife's kids with the man she was with after me, having spent some time with them. Kids are not always easy and sometimes you could bang your head against a brick with 'em ( very often in fact) but that's what makes being a parent so rewarding, seeing them negotiate mistakes and then get it right, and it should never affect how much you love them. I love all my kids- even the ones that aren't mine.
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Sorry, laptop decided to play up after posting question lastnight!
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I guess if my step daughter lived with us 24-7 then it would be different, but she has cause my husband so much stress and upset, told so many lies, that I find it so hard when she does come to stay. She takes the mickey out of my husband behind his back(I have heard her) but is nice as pie when he comes into the room etc etc
Hi Smow- what's happening with your step children then to make you feel like that?
Sorry that wasn't there when I posted the last repsonse. Tbh, that's all normal kid behaviour- they do take the mickey, are nasty unpleasant things at times, but as parents we can't let that stress us as it's largely to be expected.
You're not a bad person just honest.

The boy wonder came in the package result of her first abusive marraige. He's never known anyone other Dad and I suspect that helped. As far as I'm concerned he's my son and I love him in exactly the same ways I love his sister, don't get me wrong he can be a sod but that changes nothing.

Different relationships and different situations generally mean that not everyone has the same feelings as I have, don't beat yourself up about it Smowball

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