I love my step son ( who was just a wee lad when his mother and I got together) as if he were my own, there has never been any difference of feeling between he and my natural children, nor could I imagine there ever being, the same thing applies to Mattie who is not a step child of either mine or my wife's but who lived with us from the age of 10 or so because he couldn't live at home and was treated like one of our kids. I'm even very fond of my wife's kids with the man she was with after me, having spent some time with them. Kids are not always easy and sometimes you could bang your head against a brick with 'em ( very often in fact) but that's what makes being a parent so rewarding, seeing them negotiate mistakes and then get it right, and it should never affect how much you love them. I love all my kids- even the ones that aren't mine.