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North Korea Holiday

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BradleyGas | 19:34 Thu 20th Dec 2012 | Travel
32 Answers
I'm thinking about going to North Korea for a holiday nest year. Having looked on the internet, the best sites seem to be Regent holidays and Undiscovered destinations. However, I've never used or heard of either.

Has anyone been to North Korea and if so, who did you go with? I.e., via online or some other means. Or, has anyone heard of the 2 sites mentioned above.

Any advice or guidance on this would be much appreciated.


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It's no somewhere I'd choose to go, tbh....
why I wouldn't want to go? I guess I'm not that adventurous, but this, for one
Sorry box, question to Brad.
'the best sites'...
Are you insane or just suffering an embarrassment of riches?
If the latter, take a mo to give £19 to the Salvation Army.
North Korea - miserable dictatorship.Oh,just go and find out.
That is certainly a different holiday from Jersey:
in the nicest possible way squarey, so what? lots of people go to varying different places!
Yes, I couldn't quite see what point you were trying to make SB.
It just seemed a world of difference from Jersey to North Korea but each to their own I guess.
i always thought that NK was "closed" but what do i know!
i'm sorry, i've never been so can't actually help with your query
The British Embassy, Bradley......

Pyongyang a gas, wait to you taste their national dish, a watery turnip soup - delish. The poop recipe book from one "said" ABer would be more tasty, I suspect.

I had the dubious privilege of visiting when folk (Blair et al) thought North Korea would become friends of Comrade Brown.
DT, is there anywhere you haven't been? (Just jealous).
Not an obvious place for holidays at the moment.........
given the Olympics and the flags, I am only half way there........mainly S and C America, the Pacific and Indian Ocean Islands and all the Turdistans other than ***, if that is any indication.
Pakistan was the bleeped out word - minus the stan bit as I wrote it.....and not meant racially in this case.
Regent are fine; I've had holidays through them before. They have been going to "forbidden" places for years - behind the Iron Curtain when there was one, Albania, Belarus, whatever. They know their stuff. (They used to be independent; I think they're now owned by Western & Oriental, which is newer and bigger but also reliable.)
North Korea, home of the severest dictatorial constitutional monarchy in all but name.
It would be fascinating I think. I'd love to go. It would be interesting also to hear more from DTcrosswordfan other than a dismissive comment about the food (would also be interested in the justification for the rather "unpoetic" Turdistan nomenclature...)

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