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Cinema Time

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Eve | 18:05 Thu 23rd May 2013 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Out of the current films on at the moment, have you seen any of them already and which film (if any) would you choose to go to watch:

21 and Over
All Stars
Fast & Furious 6
Iron Man 3
Star Trek: Into Darkness
The Big Wedding
The Croods
The Great Gatsby
The Hangover III
The Moth Diaries
Wreck It Ralph

(more info here -


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Iron Man 3 is EPIC!
Wreck it ralph is brilliant! Havnt seen croods yet so id go for that
That list makes me feel well isolated, I've only heard of Star Trek and The Great Gatsby. :)
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That may be my next choice. I went to see Fast & Furious on Monday and really enjoyed it as all the previous ones (even Toyko Drift! :)).

Trailer wise, Pacific Rim and World War Z look good for the big screen.
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Ooh you two snuck in there. I'm undecided about The Great Gatsby, feel like I might be disappointed by it.
No....I usually get them on disc and watch at home...or a friend downloads them to a stick...don't know from where don't ask, but he seems to be able to get all the latest releases..sometimes even before release here...
Have you read the book Eve, I thought it was a load of crap so I want to see the film as it's just got to be better.
I am dying to see Iron Man and Star Trek but I can't afford it.
I'd go and see IM3 again in a heartbeat - the best of the trilogy, bar none.

I really want to see Star Trek: Into Darkness, and I wouldn't mind seeing F&F6, but I think it's getting a bit tired (And number 7 is in pre-production). Agree with Pacific Rim and World War Z. Liked the trailer or Riddick too.
Iron man 3 is rubbish. I'm not keen on the book the great gatsby so I doubt I'll bother with the film.

Of all the ones you listed, the only one I know we'll go see is epic.
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It is so expensive these days generally!

I tend to go on my own (love going on my own!) early afternoon to the not so plush cinema (usually very quiet) and I get a discount with a local card which means I get in for £4.80, cheaper if it's before 12noon.
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No, I've not read the book (Great Gatsby), doesn't really appeal to me, I guess same for the film really.

I'm waiting for the second Hunger Games film to come out as thought the books were great and the first film was really well done, but don't think it's til November!
the only one i've seen is star tek - it was great
I've seen Iron Man 3 and Great Gastby yesterday. I'd go back and see both and Fast and Furious 6 and The Big Wedding and possibly Star Trek
Iron Man 3 and Gatsby were AMAZING! Saw both in 3D... Totally worth it!! I

I fancy seeing The Big Wedding, the massive cast is a huge draw and The Hangover 3 will be a must see!! The wolfpack! XD

Wreck It Ralph, The Croods, Epic and 21 and Over will probably get a watch at some point as well. I need to see the first Star Trek before I watch the new one but i'm sure i'll go see it :-)

i have only seen

Iron Man 3
Star Trek: Into Darkness

I have seen The Croods and Wreck it Ralph.
Next on my list are The Hangover 3 for a perv-athon :) and The Great Gatsby because I enjoyed the book (and for a perv-athon!)
Loved Iron Man 3 and want to go see Start Trek

i'll be happy to take you, nungate

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