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vicstar18 | 13:29 Thu 14th Jul 2005 | Travel
2 Answers
how much would it cost to backpack round north west india for a month?


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Flights are around �400 and you can easily do a month on �500 living in a little luxury. They say you can get a good hotel and good food and travel for around �10 a day.
Can I recomend that you get the sleeper train instead of day time trains. Very comfy and clean as long as you dont go in cattle class and you then save money on a hotel and dont waste a day on the train. I actually miss indian trains a lot.
The trains are slow but very punctual, dont be tempted to get buses as they invairably take hours longer than they say and the roads are a bit rubbish.
You must go to Rajasthan. Mind blowing place, beautiful.
In fact can I come!!

I went to India in November last year and spent less than �500 in 3 weeks. Stayed at some hotels which compared to western standards were about 1-2 star, but the staff were friendly and the food was ok. Ate mainly vegetarian though!!!

Sleeper trains are great, you cover big distances while u sleep! Book tourist class though, and take a chain to lock your bags to the seats while u sleep. I bought a chain with a padlock in a market for about �1.50

If you go to Delhi train station ignore all the touts who say the Tourist train booking office is over the road, and that the one in the main building is closed. THEY ARE LIARS!!!!! there are lots of touts and they can be very convincing. DONT LISTEN TO THEM!!!! The office is on the first floor of the main station building.

Get a copy of Lonely Planets guide to India, its really useful

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