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Would You Time Travel Forward Or Back?

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flobadob | 23:35 Fri 30th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
If you were given an opportunity to time travel but could only go one way, would you travel forward to see what the future brings or backward to see perhaps what dinosaurs looked like?


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That's a very difficult one - I'd love to see what the future brings, but similarly there are several times in the past to which I would like to go (not as far as dinosaurs I don't think, although it would be interesting to see how accurate the scientists have got it).

I think that I'll opt for the future, and hope that two-way time travel has been invented by then.
you mean without being able to return? At least the future offers a prospect of cures for all illnesses; the past just means getting swallowed by a velociraptor or killed off in a day by the Black Death. Life in the past would be intolerable to most of us.
That's a very difficult one then Canary? To me it's a no-brainer. Just when the six numbers are drawn on Saturday night I'd go back in time an hour or so and buy a lotto ticket.
as canary I think,,depending if altering thins is allowed
Good question. Can we come back? Suppose the future makes more sense. Or does it?
At least we'd have an idea of what the past is like. Who knows what horrors the future might bring. It could be a world run by women. ;(
I'd like to have been there when Jesus did the sermon on the mount.
How would you cope in the future? I was watching TOTP 1978 earlier that I recorded in the week and thought what the punks of the day would make of 2013 if they were transported here? How would they cope with the internet and iPhones? They'd be as lost as you would if you were transported 35 years into the future with no chance to accustom yourself to developments gently as they occur.

Send me back to the 70s when there was decent telly and no e-mail or BlackBerries mythering me at the weekends. OK work in the office was a lot more laborious than it is now but we were used to it, youngsters I work with now can't cope when the computers break. And back then you were allowed to go out at lunch and have six pints of Whitbread Trophy Bitter and somehow all the documents you issued on the typewriter in the afternoon were correct. And if you were off sick someone else could pick up the telex message and deal with it, it didn't stay stuck in your inbox.
Little tip for you Spikey. Buy shares in a little firm called Micro- soft.
I'd go back to 1901 and gun down John Francis.

^^ Why?
I wondered that Naomi, but I was scared I'd be showing my ignorance. Must be alright if you ask.
I'll show my ignorance - Who's John Francis?
Svejk, If you never ask you never know. ;o)
I'm assuming he's the bloke who tried but failed to assassinate Queen Victoria - but I might be wrong because I can't see what good shooting him would do. Perhaps I've missed something.
I'd go back to my wedding day and this time say "NOOO!! Not bl**dy likely vicar".
All the fantastic things you could do. And you'd kill someone no-ones heard of? Very odd.
If I could, I'd travel back in time, maybe to the early part of the 20th Century. I'd love to be able to take part in the world of Physics as it was back then -- must have been incredibly exciting to be a part of so much progress.
You'd be able to teach them a lot, Jim. But they probably wouldn't believe a word of it!

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