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sunflower68 | 21:27 Tue 26th Jul 2005 | Travel
2 Answers

Planning an autumn trip to the Vendee in France.  Can anyone advise, would it be best to take the Eurostar to Paris (a steal at �100 rtn) and drive down (how long might it all take?) or ferry it from, say Poole to St Malo?  How long does the train take?  Can you walk about or must you stay in the car (even I know it's a daft question but I still don't know the answer).  Merci mes amis. x



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Hi sunflower,

I fear (like many people) you are confusing Eurostar with Le Shuttle!

Eurostar(from Waterloo) is a Passenger(only) service to Paris.

Le Shuttle carries cars from(only) Folkestone to Calais.

I don't know about the ferry,but just wanted you not be confused about the train.

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Thanks mystress, you have cleared up loads!  I can see how muddled I have got.  Will begin again with my searching.......thanks. xxx

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