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When You Come Home From Holiday You Do Not Want To Find

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Barmaid | 16:52 Sun 03rd Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
21 Answers
a cat with an injured leg (£47 later + cage rest.....)
a massive red mite infestation in your hen house (all day spent steam cleaning, disinfecting etc)
some **** has vandalised your car (CCTV for last 2 weeks is proving incredibly boring)
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Next time I decide to sod off to Italy, someone take me out and shoot me.


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it's getting cold here too.

How was Italy?
awww. That's the pits, barmaid. I'm sorry to hear that.
BM, Thats a rotten lot to come home to.........but did you have a good time whilst you were away?
Bloody hell BM, very bad luck. Whats happened to your car ?.
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Italy itself was fabulous, jno. Two of the hotels, however, were shocking. One was so bad that we reached the point of hysterics. It made Fawlty Towers look like the Ritz.

We knew we were on our way home because the food got better and the weather got worse! We had FANTASTIC weather. 25/26 every day and full sunshine. Shame I had packed a case load of warm stuff........

Grandad, however, had the time of his life.
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Tony, someone has jumped on the bonnet. PUt a bloody great dent in it (you can see the shoe prints). Unfortunately, they also left a rather nice handprint, which SOCO lifted yesterday.........

I am wading thru the CCTV, so far I am back to Oct 30...... (only 9 days to go).
shame about the hotel. We had a nice one in Sorrento in September, though the food was nothing much. Where were you?
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We stayed at Lake Como, Cassino and Monticalini Terme in Italy (but also stayed in France, Austria and Belgium). The hotel in Montecalini Terme was just TERRIBLE. Just look at the reviews on Trip Advisor for Hotel Imperio. It was AWFUL. But at least it made it us laugh.
Grandad, however, had the time of his life.

Excellent, BM.

Hope they get the scroat that jumped on your bonnet, BM.
BM...give me a shout if you want the car repaired at a decent cost :-)

Last time I went away my son had a party.....4 cigarette burns in my carpet!!! He doesn't even live here!!!
Hi, sorry you came home to all that.....Gx
pmsl at some of those Trip Advisor gems BM, "I had to climb over the toilet to get to the shower" - glad your Grandad enjoyed it though, that was the main thing.

Bummer about the car
welcome back, barmaid! :-)
Hey, welcome home, how is your cat not ASBO, was it?
Sorry about all the problems xx
sorry to hear about your problems barmaid. do you need anyother holiday now to get over that one or rather the homecoming?
umm -cigarette smoking beagle perhaps

welcome back Barmaid - all this can be solved by money -
take a few legal aid cases- or corporate fraud or something
Good holiday was successful with grandad. Did they all behave?

Cat is more important than car - was it young ASBO? Or was it one of the other ones? Sorry to hear about the hens - these red mites seem quite tenacious and cunning.

Can you not pay for a child/teen to watch the CCTV and note when something happens?

As I recall, the last time you went away, ummm, someone drank Ginge's beer :-(
Welcome back. While some bad things happened at home when you were away you need to balance them against the great pleasure your grandad got from the trip to Italy.

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