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Do You Love Your Job?

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stewey | 19:35 Mon 09th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Here's man who obviously does, and has been at it for over thirty years. What I wouldn't give to be on the Cook Islands right now listening to him, as it's minus five, snowing, windy, dismal, darkish, and all that other good stuff here. I think I'd ask him to play "Island In The Sun".


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yes i'm a bouncer at a strip club!!
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There must be all kinds of interesting things to bounce there, bc.
Love the people and my job is interesting; in an ideal world my job shouldn't exist really though so it'd seem a bit wrong to say it's enjoyable.
Any jobs going, bernie ?.
My job was OK until 7 years ago when I retired (early). I really love the job that I've got now. Time with the grandchildren is my weekly bonus.
omg bounce bounce!!
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I wonder if this guy in the Cook Islands needs a roadie? Now that would be a job I could handle.
I love mine. I couldn't do a job that i didn't love.
I had to retire at the age of 40 from the civil service. I knew that at some stage my health would give out (Not sure but the last bout of paranoia might have been the straw and the camel) and planned to do productive things with my time.

That was ten years ago. I do voluntary work - which I enjoy very much and spend way too much time on the computer.

I didn't hate my last job but as my sanity evaporated I think I may have driven many of my ex-colleagues to drink.
I love my job but I don't love where I am. I would love my job if I could do it on my own
Don't like mine at all at the moment. I'm going back tomorrow after a two week holiday and I'm dreading it :-(
Love my job. I am working in Mauritius next week. 28 degrees :o)
That's exactly what i did, queenie :-)
I did love my job when I had one.
What did you do, tilly? If you don't mind me asking?
I can't tell you, pixie. If I did, I'd have to eat you.
I have been very lucky, and enjoyed any job I had :)
Lol, tilly. Fair enough!
I've only had 2 jobs and loved/love them both. I'm lucky, I don't know how I'd cope with a job I hate.
Pssst, I know what job Yilly used to do, pixie, whats it worth for me to tell you ?.

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