TripAdvisor has an excellent (but rather well-hidden) map search feature. Here's how to use it:
Start here:
Go to 'Neighbourhood', click on 'See all' and then on 'La Vila Olimpica del Poblenou'.
Click on any hotel in the list. (The first one will do).
Click on 'Interactive Map'. (It's on the right of the page).
The map will load with 'Restaurants' pre-selected. Take a quick look at where they're concentrated, to get a feel for where the 'buzz' is in Barcelona, then deselect them and select 'Hotels' instead. (Or you can simply leave the restaurants selected as well, if you don't mind the map being rather cluttered)
Look for the words 'La Vila Olimpica del Poblenou' on the map and then place your mouse over the blue dots (representing hotels) in that area. That will bring up the names of the hotels, together with their TripAdvisor ratings. Clicking will bring up 'Show Prices'. You can then seek out further information about any hotels that interest you.