News3 mins ago
Broadway Hotel Blackpool
59 Answers
http:// news/te chnolog y-30100 973
Incredible story. The Hotel actually charges people an extra £100 if they complain ! I have looked on Trip Advisor this morning, and most of the reviews are awful. Perhaps this place needs to make sure there is less to complain of, rather making money from fines :::::
http:// www.tri padviso /Search ?q=Broa dway+ho tel+bla ckpool& amp;geo =186332 &pi d=3826& amp;ret urnTo=h ttp%253 A__2F__ __2F__w ww__2E_ _tripad visor__ 2E__co_ _2E__uk __2F__H otels__ 2D__g18 6332__2 D__Blac kpool__ 5F__Lan cashire __5F__E ngland_ _2D__Ho tels__2 E__html
Incredible story. The Hotel actually charges people an extra £100 if they complain ! I have looked on Trip Advisor this morning, and most of the reviews are awful. Perhaps this place needs to make sure there is less to complain of, rather making money from fines :::::
For £ 36 I'd expect the place to be basic and that's ok but I'd certainly expect it to be clean whatever the price.
12:38 Wed 19th Nov 2014
It does not take a lot of your time to read about these places, that's what we do Mickey, we can not all like these sort of places but one's opinion can differ from someone else's, Blackpool is full of B&B's & all looking for trade, all you have to do is, Look, Read, Listen, Decide, Or go, it's as simple as that.
Whether its horrible or not really wasn't the point of my post. Its the stupidity of the hotel owners to fine people if they complain. I have never heard of that before. I am sure that if Mr and Mrs Jenkinson were to take this to a small claims court, they would have no difficulty in winning their case.
The irony of all this is that the hotel owners have shot themselves in both feet, by making the headlines with the information that their hotel is pretty awful. Blackpool must have 100's of hotels and B+B's, if not 1000's and now everybody knows which one to avoid ! A pyrrhic victory perhaps ?
The irony of all this is that the hotel owners have shot themselves in both feet, by making the headlines with the information that their hotel is pretty awful. Blackpool must have 100's of hotels and B+B's, if not 1000's and now everybody knows which one to avoid ! A pyrrhic victory perhaps ?
That's going back some while, I think, gets pretty good reviews now. We had one owner in the Lakes, mainly a restaurant that specialised in duck, a beautiful old Lakes House of late Tudor age. She was notorious for kicking folk out if they complained and you didn't argue with Beryl as she was pretty Amazonian, size-wise.
click your way through the photos
http:// www.tri padviso /ShowUs erRevie ws-g186 332-d55 4701-r1 7287670 7-Broad way_Hot el-Blac kpool_L ancashi re_Engl and.htm l#photo s
It looks pretty unspeakable.
It looks pretty unspeakable.
Yes, the photos are grim - shame the AA don't do a negative stars system. On my international travels, I used to grade from -5 to +5 stars, three of the hotels attracting -4 - no worse than that, just in case there was something catastrophic out there. For -4 stars, try the natural air-conditioning in the walls of a hotel in Ouagadougou - yes, machine-gun bullet holes or the bedroom in Kano where I didn't know whether to sleep in the bed, on it or under it, the huge fridge with three bottles of water in, seals broken, in the centre of the room, the collapsed chairs and side unit, the radio hanging off the wall, the heavy green slime all over the shower, the only reason for not giving -5 being that the wash-basin and toilet were 'moderately' clean. The cuisine was something else too and $120 equivalent a night for this privilege - in 1987.
I stayed in a hotel in Birmingham a couple of weeks ago. It was a total ***. I reported it to trading standards and they were well known to them. They said that they weren't breaking any health and safety regulations. The place was totally panned on trip advisor, I wish my boss had looked on TA first