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"south Of The River"

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hc4361 | 14:00 Sun 18th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Why won't taxi drivers go 'south of the river' in London?


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Probably because they prefer to be paid.
According to Mr C it's because the people that go South of the river are all fare-dodgers...that's why they used to call it Indian country...Don't ask why, just telling you what Mr. c said. He worked in London for years.
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Waterloo Station doesn't seem to suffer an absence of taxis.
I thought they never went south of the river after dark, ok during daylight hours. As most black cab drivers used to live in Ilford or Muswell Hill it would be a long drive back ( empty) at the end of their day.
It's actually illegal for London Taxi drivers to refuse a journey of 12 miles or less (20 from Heathrow) or of one hour duration or less unless they have good reason. Declaring that all passengers bound for the south are likely to do a runner will probably not count as a good reason and may jeopardise their licence.
Trolls under the bridges innit...
NJ , I think you are missing the bit where a taxi is flagged down in the city around 10 pm, the cabby says "where are you going", the punter replies "Camberwell". "Sorry I am on my way home" comes the reply, with that cab drives off and punter has to get a minicab.
I got a taxi from Paddington Station to Thornton Heath (near Croydon) which cost me £50. This was about 10 years ago though.
Tiggs - that's because you look honest.... now that I have been nice to one friend today I can go back to being a grouch.
Who says they won't, hc? there were shedloads at Waterloo when I was in London last week!
Lol Wolf, I was desperate to get home having had an almighty row with my ex best friend on a holiday in Cornwall. I was fuming and wasn't concerned about the cost.
Since when? There may be certain parts they won't go to but I've taken a taxi south of the river many times.
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boxtops, it's just something I've heard in films and tv dramas over the years. As I've only spent two days in London I haven't had any first hand experience.
i know 3 black cab drivers who work in central London they say the thing is its ok going out anywhere to south London,but most of the time they dont get a fare back to central London so their losing money
"Sorry I am on my way home"

Then, baza, the punter takes the cab's plate number (clearly displayed on the boot) or its registration number and reports the matter to the Hackney Carriage Office.

The fact is, most of them are too pi55ed or cannot be bothered to do so.That's why cabbies get away with it and that's why this popular myth persists.
if it's a myth then the cabbies are not getting away with it, because they are not doing it
Just another urban myth then.?
Yes I do not believe they are doing it.

Some years ago cabbies did pick and choose what they would do. They very often were "on their way home" when a journey they did not fancy cropped up. Of course if they really were on their way home they should have their light turned off.

Today cabbies take all the business they can.
I used to own an ex London cab ( fx4) and the roof light fitting had been removed, however, this did not stop some of the locals trying to flag me down, they often gave me a dirty look as I drove passed waving back and smiling.

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