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Copenhagen Suggestions

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derekpara | 22:53 Sat 11th Apr 2015 | Travel
10 Answers
Going to Copenhagen with some friends for a few days.

We won't have car but have you any suggestions what to see or decent restaurants to go to ?



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Copenhagen is a wonderful city to see by foot, so get a good guide and some comfortable shoes ! The Tivoli Gardens are well worth a visit in the evenings.

Don't be too sorry when you find the Little Mermaid a tad disappointing ......everybody does !
I forgot....Sweden is just a ferry ride away, so two countries in the one day !
When we were there,about twenty years ago,somebody had stolen the head from the mermaid.We enjoyed the place apart from that.
As has been said, Tivoli is a must. Critics might say that it's only a fairground with a few extras but it's like no other fairground you'll ever visit. (It exudes 'style', rather than 'sleaze'):

There are loads more suggestions on the city's official website:

However I'd also recommend hopping on a train to Malmo (Sweden), which is just across the river from Copenhagen. You get there via the Øresund Bridge (which is, rather oddly, partly a tunnel under the river and partly a bridge over it). There are 4 trains per hour, with a journey time of just over half an hour and, as I recall, they're quite cheap. While Malmo isn't packed with tourist attractions, there's enough to keep you occupied for several hours and it's an attractive city, with lots of good places to eat and drink:
Buenchico....I was last in Copenhagen during my Interrail trip, in 1976 !

There was only a hydrofoil service to Malmo then but I recall the trip with great affection. A trip, by sea, to another country ....I thought it was very exciting !
just on a point of pedantry, "oresund" is a bit more than a river......
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Thank you all.

Went there for a day many years ago when I was in the army but spent all day in the Carlsberg brewery !

Derekpara...I had exactly the same problem when I stayed in Amsterdam on my Interrail trip ! After visiting the Heineken Brewery, the rest of my stay is a blur somehow !
The canal boat trips are also lovely..called
"Kanal Rund Fart" in Danish lol.
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Mikey. I did the Heineken one as well. Great stuff !

Thanks, xstitcher, that sounds good.


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