The BBC link says that the DVLC recommends people destroy their paper counterpart licence !
Curiouser and curiouser. I thought that we needed these when we have to produce our licence, after being stopped by the Police.....when did that change ?
In all the years since I obtained my photo ID driving licence, I have never been asked to produce the paper counter-part by a car hire company, either in the UK or abroad.
So why, having scrapped them, would hire companies suddenly start seeking out information otherwise contained therein?
I've never had an Issue regards my Licence abroad, I pre book from the UK, but there is one thing I would like to advise if I may, before you even start the car up, check oil / water / fuel / the Car you hire, make sure there's no Dents / Marks / Cracked Glass / Tyre Damage / Internal Tear's in seat etc & make it known to the hirer otherwise you will pay the price.
I've hired cars in many countries, the only time I was asked for it was hiring a van in Edinburgh and they rang the DVLA to check when I didn't have it. As we seem to be the only country to have this doc, how do they check the driving record of other nationalities?