Quizzes & Puzzles15 mins ago
Which One Gets Your Vote?
the union flag hasn't gone yet. There will be two referendums on the subject - first to find which of the four is preferred, then another one a couple of years later to decide if they actually want to stick with it instead of the current flag.
09:47 Wed 02nd Sep 2015
What can I say?
New Zealand is not Hawaii. You'd have to ask the New Zealanders. Having a flag that is very like and easily confused with your larger neighbour, AND having the union flag which no doubt to many, not necessarily "anti_British", may compound a sense that they don't really have something distinctive of their own....
New Zealand is not Hawaii. You'd have to ask the New Zealanders. Having a flag that is very like and easily confused with your larger neighbour, AND having the union flag which no doubt to many, not necessarily "anti_British", may compound a sense that they don't really have something distinctive of their own....
I agree that the current NZ flag is very much like Oz one
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=n ew+zeal and+fla g&e s_sm=93 &bi w=1366& amp;bih =667&am p;sourc e=lnms& amp;tbm =isch&a mp;sa=X &sq i=2& ;ved=0C AYQ_AUo AWoVChM IkKb0pt DWxwIVD CDbCh2W TgbH#tb m=isch& amp;q=n ew+zeal and+fla g+vs+au stralia n+flag& amp;img rc=N0CO zIAR81f LyM%3A
Causes a lot of confusion
Causes a lot of confusion
That was supposed to show the 2 flags , so here is the Oz one.
https:/ /www.go ogle.co .uk/sea rch?q=a ustrali a+flag& amp;es_ sm=93&a mp;sour ce=lnms &tb m=isch& amp;sa= X&v ed=0CAc Q_AUoAW oVChMIn fbj29HW xwIVBo7 bCh3RWQ NQ& biw=675 &bi h=639#i mgrc=zD vPknmxT Aw3FM%3 A
this was the longlist
http:// d.ibtim es.co.u k/en/fu ll/1453 007/new -zealan d-flag. jpg
I like the white-on-green one in the second last line myself.
I like the white-on-green one in the second last line myself.
yes, pretty daft having confusables like that. Mind you, a lot of European flags are quite similar. Chad and Romania are identical, for some reason.
http:// flags.w ikia.co m/wiki/ VexiWik i:Artic les/Sim ilar_na tional_ flags