Quizzes & Puzzles1 min ago
Best Landmarks
what are the best landmarks in the uk
and are there any hidden gems that are less well known ?
and are there any hidden gems that are less well known ?
Best Answer
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.if they aren't well known, they can't really be called landmarks. But there's lots to see and do. Here's one person's list
http:// www.spa ghettit ravelle r.com/1 00-thin gs-to-d o-befor e-you-d ie/100- things- to-do-i n-the-u k/
Personally, I'd put Durham Cathedral about 80 places higher.
Personally, I'd put Durham Cathedral about 80 places higher.
highest bridge above water is probably the QE2 bridge over the Thames at the east end of the M25. The tallest one is in Scotland
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ news/uk -scotla nd-edin burgh-e ast-fif e-33911 664
A few that come to mind:
De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill
http:// s0.geog raph.or g.uk/ge ophotos /01/00/ 03/1000 379_f8c c7d2a.j pg
Hoover Building, Perivale
http:// www.toi mg.net/ managed /images /100266 62/imag e.jpg
Savoy Hotel, London
http:// www.e-a rchitec t.co.uk /images /jpgs/l ondon/s avoy_ho tel_150 610_8.j pg
Tynemouth Priory:
http:// www.eng lish-he ritage. org.uk/ visit/p laces/t ynemout h-prior y-and-c astle/
Fountains Abbey, Ripon:
https:/ /upload .wikime dia.org /wikipe dia/com mons/2/ 27/Foun tains_A bbey,_N orth_Yo rkshire .jpg
Leeds Castle, Kent:
http:// outofth edoor.c om/wp-c ontent/ uploads /2012/0 8/11809 884.jpg
Conwy Castle:
https:/ /upload .wikime dia.org /wikipe dia/com mons/3/ 33/Conw y_Castl e_-_bri dge_vie w.jpg
Royal Pavilion, Brighton:
http:// fcbstud ios.com /assets /imgsup l/Feild en_Cleg g_Bradl ey_Stud ios--Ro yal_Pav ilion_E state-B righton -01.jpg
Hampton Court Palace:
https:/ /upload .wikime dia.org /wikipe dia/com mons/e/ ec/Flic kr_-_Du ncan~_- _Hampto n_Court _Palace .jpg
Natural History Museum, London:
http:// www.noz io.com/ img/lon don_gui de_natu ral_his tory.jp g
De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill
Hoover Building, Perivale
Savoy Hotel, London
Tynemouth Priory:
Fountains Abbey, Ripon:
Leeds Castle, Kent:
Conwy Castle:
Royal Pavilion, Brighton:
Hampton Court Palace:
Natural History Museum, London:
We're quite fond of our wonderful Orwell Bridge here in Suffolk:
https:/ /upload .wikime dia.org /wikipe dia/com mons/6/ 6e/Orwe ll-Brid ge.jpg
. . . but, to be fair, it's got a long way to go to match London's iconic Tower Bridge!
http:// cdn.lon donandp artners .com/as set/a9e 3135930 f741207 9964965 4fec1a9 f.jpg
. . . but, to be fair, it's got a long way to go to match London's iconic Tower Bridge!
>>> Yep, if you want bridges go to London
. . . or Newcastle!
http:// www.bbc .co.uk/ tyne/fe atures/ 2002/07 /bridge s.shtml
. . . or Newcastle!
That's a different Newcastle, Stuey!
http:// www.sto kesenti nel.co. uk/pict ures/Fl ashback -Newcas tle-sho ps-land marks-P icture/ picture s-26487 505-det ail/pic tures.h tml#13
We have some beautiful castles here in Wales, and its difficult to pick a favourite Carreg Cennanbut is always popular when I take visiters from abroad there :::
http:// www.car regcenn encastl e.com/C astle.h tm
What about Tintagel ?
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Tinta gel
A place I would like to go back to is Romney Marsh:::
http:// theromn eymarsh .net/
What about Tintagel ?
A place I would like to go back to is Romney Marsh:::