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Cameroon does not have a health service that fits the needs of the population. There are currently less than 1 qualified doctor for every 5200 people. The roads are mostly dirt tracks that become impassable after rain. Any good doctors have already left the country for better working conditions abroad. It is one of the worst countries for corruption. If I tried to drive my mother in law to the nearest hospital that is 120Km on un surfaced roads. I would be targeted by the police as I am white I would have to give them $100 just to carry on. The icing on the cake is that I have had 2 DVT's andI can not go there even if I wanted to. Even if the patient could get to hospital the cost of the drugs is more than her family income for a year. Just to put some of the above in perspective the average life expectancy of a woman in Cameroon is 53.5 years. My mother in law is 84!