Food & Drink4 mins ago
Travel To Northern Ireland
Has anyone recently travelled to Northern Ireland and did you need a passport?
I am planning a visit but my passport has expired and I don't particularly want to get it renewed as I don't travel anywhere outside the UK. I was given to understand from some sites that a driving licence and means of identification would suffice so any thoughts ?
Has anyone recently travelled to Northern Ireland and did you need a passport?
I am planning a visit but my passport has expired and I don't particularly want to get it renewed as I don't travel anywhere outside the UK. I was given to understand from some sites that a driving licence and means of identification would suffice so any thoughts ?
"Irish Ferries recommend all passengers bring a passport with them. Irish and British citizens do not strictly require a passport to travel between the two countries - some form of identificati on is however required. Please note that all nationalitie s except Irish or British require passports."...
14:29 Tue 29th Jan 2019
"Irish Ferries recommend all passengers bring a passport with them. Irish and British citizens do not strictly require a passport to travel between the two countries - some form of identification is however required. Please note that all nationalities except Irish or British require passports."
https:/ / ishferr /uk-en/ frequen tly-ask ed-ques tions/t op-10-f aqs/pas sports- identif ication /
Check out "Passports"
This information includes republic of Ireland and northern Ireland.
https:/ / eland.c om/en-u s/about -irelan d/trave l-infor mation/ visa-pa ssport- and-emb assy-in formati on-in-i reland/
This information includes republic of Ireland and northern Ireland.
//UK citizens do not require a passport to enter Ireland, but carriers by air or sea require some form of identification with a photograph (usually either a passport or driving license with photo). //
https:/ / eland.c om/en-u s/about -irelan d/trave l-infor mation/ visa-pa ssport- and-emb assy-in formati on-in-i reland/