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Waiting For The Backlash

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albaqwerty | 08:16 Fri 06th Dec 2019 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Am in one of the many groups available on FB, general chit-chat about an American reality tv programme. As you'd expect most comments are by Americans, with the odd Canadian and one very pompous little Englander.
The gist was the Canadian has to wait til Tuesday to watch the episode aired in the US on Friday, the person who lives in England says he has to wait too, I piped up that in Scotland, we watch it on a Saturday

I'm not normally nit-picky but that poster gets on my wick.

Not really a question, but I saw a shade of pink (not quite red) and now I feel lousy about being so childish.


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sometimes we say things we don't mean, but especially on line it can't be taken back, i wouldn't worry.
What Emmie said, not worth a second thought Albs
Am I missing something, why is he a 'little Englander' ??
Looks like I'll have to go on wondering ..
Ditch FB and be happier. Most of my family have.
Question Author
Sorry, here, been meaning to pop back but kept getting side-tracked.

This poster has had a habit of upsetting a few nationalities and has a bit of a reputation within the group with his attitude. Somebody once called him a mini-hitler but said he was the wrong nationality.

Shouldn't have worried anyway, my comment was ok and he's no longer in the group.

TL, I like FB for staying in touch with my friends and family across the globe :-D x
Don’t worry about it - FB groups can be a nightmare. I got chucked out of one for people interested in slow cookers :)
Hey, what happened to 'ham' (lol).
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Sherr, my tea and my nose will never be the same again LOL

ham, for the life of me I was struggling to remember what you'd said it was ok to shorten your name to, and all I could remember was NOT with a capital, so I played safe :-)) x
dont worry a lot
if AB is anything to go by
almost no one reads the thread posts
and no one remembers them
( you can write something 500 times and not one will say - oh you said that before)

sleep welll tonight
Question Author
I usually do sleep well, thanks PP, well, until a joint decides to wake up lol

You're only reminded on here if you've posted something similar either from someone who cares and pokes fun at you or from someone who doesn't and pokes fun at you.
c'est la vie :-D x
FB is the place for Cat pics and funny videos.

That saif FB has been in touch wih lately about inappropriate photos in my posts.

One was a Lion lying on a flattened cardboard box and another a group of young lads with a Llama behind the.

Night night folks
Edited version

That said FB has been in touch with lately about inappropriate photos in a couple of my posts.
Question Author
Nighty night Wolfie, some oddbods in FB management recently.

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