I have booked to go away over Christmas, (in Britain) its not cheap that time of year and I know, I am covered re covid matters, as I read the small print, but knowing how tempremental the weather can be at that time of the year example, snow, I was wondering if there were insurance companies that would insure for that reason, It would be a lot of money to lose if I couldn't travel due to the weather.
Good point barry1010 I dont have any insurance as yet, it is just the owner of the accommodation I am renting, that stated any cancellation due to covid would be refunded.
Many holiday companies that provide winter holidays in the UK provide cover for adverse weather cancellation, often full refunds but sometimes just allow you to book at a later date. I suppose it gives customers the confidence to book.
It seems a lot of them only cover the use of public transport cancellation, during severe snowy weather, but not if you couldn't travel in your own transport.
Don't worry, I've taken out an annual one and used it only once , refunds are pro rate :0(
Also bought a Senior Rail Card to go and see stepson in Norfolk, it ain't gunna happen, but hey ho :0)