Crosswords24 mins ago
Heathrow To Cork
3 Answers
Thinking of flying Heathrow to Cork later this year. We have both had two jabs. Where do I start? Will we need Covid testing before we go, and testing before we come back? Anything else we have to do? How do I find out where we get the tests? I presume we have to pay.. and will we need to self isolate on return? Sorry this is all new to me …
From the Irish government website: https:// www. gov. ie/ en/ publication/ b4020- travelling- to- ireland- during- the- covid- 19- pandemic/ The same information is largely duplicated on the website of our own Foreign and Commonwealth Office: https:// www. gov. uk/ foreign- travel- advice/ ireland/ entry- requirements and on that of Aer Lingus (which...
13:48 Tue 01st Jun 2021
From the Irish government website:
https:/ /www.go /public ation/b 4020-tr avellin g-to-ir eland-d uring-t he-covi d-19-pa ndemic/
The same information is largely duplicated on the website of our own Foreign and Commonwealth Office:
https:/ /www.go reign-t ravel-a dvice/i reland/ entry-r equirem ents
and on that of Aer Lingus (which is the only airline flying between Heathrow and Cork)
https:/ / rlingus .com/su pport/c ovid19- informa tion/en try-req uiremen ts-for- ireland /
The FCO link, above, provides this further link (to companies offering private PCR testing):
https:/ /www.go vernmen t/publi cations /list-o f-priva te-prov iders-o f-coron avirus- testing /list-o f-priva te-prov iders-o f-coron avirus- testing
There are no restrictions imposed by the UK government in respect of return travel. See here:
https:/ /www.go idance/ covid-1 9-coron avirus- restric tions-w hat-you -can-an d-canno t-do#tr avellin g-withi n-the-u k-the-r epublic -of-ire land-an d-the-c hannel- islands
Those, of course, are the current rules. Things might change, for better or for worse, by your planned date of travel!
The same information is largely duplicated on the website of our own Foreign and Commonwealth Office:
and on that of Aer Lingus (which is the only airline flying between Heathrow and Cork)
The FCO link, above, provides this further link (to companies offering private PCR testing):
There are no restrictions imposed by the UK government in respect of return travel. See here:
Those, of course, are the current rules. Things might change, for better or for worse, by your planned date of travel!