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Bobbisox1 | 13:32 Sun 30th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
94 Answers
What have you got planned and where?
It’s Lanzarote for me and my mates in April
Mijas in July with the family in a villa

That’s up till now
Anyone else booked anywhere?


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lanzarote. my favourate spot. papagayo hotel or timanfire hotel in playa blanca. excuse spellings
Greece for me in June and Lanzarote in October. I'm looking for a break between now and Easter to replace my long haul (for which I should have been departing next Thursday but which was cancelled).
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where in Lanza NJ?
we always go to CT , got lots of freinds there now
have you found everything is really expensive this year? i looked at 3 of us going to canaries for a week in th easter holidays but it was prohibitively expensive
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depends Bednobs, where your'e flying from for example, Newcastle is one of the most expensive airports to fly from, I don't know where you are but the South fares well in prices, I always find Hays Travel excellent and they tailor the holiday you want, we paid nearly £800 pp for April but thats. hotel (SC) but with breakfast, flight, seats, cases and transfers which I don't think was bad at all
Must be nice to have money - having just shelled out for a new boiler (see thread about it/gas usage) I shan't be going anywhere for some considerable time :(
If we go anywhere it will be the UK. We live in a lovely quiet area holiday area so it's one long holiday. North Yorkshire Moors might happen in the Autumn. We've missed our annual breaks for two years. Best friends in Spain would love us to go and stay with them, but Spain doesn't appeal any more. Airports these days also put us off going anywhere overseas.

Were quite content at home. And because for me we can't do adventurous holidays any more. I'm just sorry I will never see New Zealand or Canada.
In fact after a very full life I'm quite content to be a home body surrounded by our pets.
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a third one might be very nerar you for us Pat as stepson lives that way
I really can't afford holidays. Though I hope to visit DD in London around April
About 15 miles away Bobbi.
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Never been before Pat but he’s in the process of buying a large bungalow and selling his house in Cambridge just now so we’ll wait to see how things progress there
We got a lot of free holidays and travel in our younger days, which was great. Just hopped on planes and went places for weekends. Never booked accommodation and really didn't plan where we were going. Just went where there were spaces free on the plane. Doesn't happen liked that these days for airline staff!
I don't like the town, but the countryside around is lovely. And Norwich is near. A lovely city!
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It’s one of the few places we haven’t visited, oh there and Cornwall but that’s on my bucket list to do
We are in Plettengberg Bay SA for two months 25 degrees and sunny. Feeling blessed.
March I'm off to Portugal. Just outside Albufeira.
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SA is a beautiful country Zyla, I flew there years ago, my brother in law was killed out there, I only say a tiny bit of it sadly and that was just the Transvaal and apartheid was just coming to an end
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Love Portugal Sharon, we’ve stayed in both Carveiro and Cabanas
Spent many happy holidays on the Algarve at Alvor, West of Albufeira. But it changed a lot and is now not the little fishing village it used to be. But everywhere has changed. I got proposed to in Bemidorm of all places, but it was far from what it is now I think we were staying at one of the first high rise buildings.
t was november and it rained all week. And we drank all week.. I worked on the costa del Sol in 1970. I couldn't believe it when I went back in 2005! Never again!

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